Research articles and indexed proceedings
Preprints & To appear
- [9] T. Hejda. Geometrical aspects of positional representations of real and complex numbers. PhD thesis. Czech Technical University in Prague and Université Paris Diderot, 2016. Supervised by E. Pelantová, W. Steiner. (PDF)
- [10] T. Hejda. Representations of real and complex numbers in non-standard numeration systems. Dissertation Study. Czech Technical University in Prague, 2014. Supervised by E. Pelantová, W. Steiner. (PDF)
- [11] T. Hejda. Moebius numeration systems with discrete groups. Master’s thesis. Czech Technical University in Prague, 2012. Supervised by P. Kůrka. (PDF) (source)
- [12] T. Hejda. Morphisms preserving the set of words coding three interval exchange. Research target. Czech Technical University in Prague, 2010. Supervised by E. Pelantová. (PDF)
- [13] T. Hejda. Amicable morphisms on Sturmian words. Bachelor’s project. Czech Technical University in Prague, 2010. Supervised by E. Pelantová. (PDF)
Other proceedings (incomplete)
- [14] T. Hejda, W. Steiner. Beta-expansions of rational numbers in quadratic Pisot bases. Journées Montoises d’Informatique Théorique, 2014. (PDF)
- [15] T. Hejda, Z. Masáková, E. Pelantová. On the negative base greedy and lazy representations. Journées Montoises d’Informatique Théorique, 2012. (PDF)
- [16] T. Hejda. Morphisms preserving the set of words coding three interval exchange. Journées Montoises d’Informatique Théorique, 2010. (PDF)
Educational materials (incomplete)
- [17] T. Hejda. Indukcí na žabičky. Rozhledy matematicko-fyzikální, 2010. (in Czech).
- [18] T. Hejda. Zápisky z Algebry. K předmětu 01ALG Algebra na ČVUT FJFI, 2009. (in Czech). (PDF) (wikiskripta)
Presentations (incomplete)
- [19] T. Hejda. Totally positive quadratic integers and numeration. Numeration, Paris (FR), 2018. (PDF)
- [20] T. Hejda. Totally positive quadratic integers from the numeration point of view. Journées Arithmétiques, Caen (FR), 2017.
- [21] T. Hejda. Geometrical aspects of positional representations of real and complex numbers. PhD defense, Paris (FR), 1st February 2016. (PDF)
- [22] T. Hejda. Multiple tilings for symmetric beta-expansions. FAN project meeting, Admont (AT), 2015.
- [23] T. Hejda. What is the Abelianization of the Tribonacci shift?. Automatic Sequences, Liège (BE), 2015. (PDF)
- [24] T. Hejda. Multiple tilings for symmetric beta-expansions. Numeration, Nancy (FR), 2015. (PDF)
- [25] T. Hejda. Spectral properties of cubic complex Pisot units. Numeration and Substitution, Debrecen (HU), 2014. (PDF)
- [26] T. Hejda, W. Steiner. Purely periodic beta-expansions in quadratic non-unit bases. Representing Streams II workshop, Leiden (NL), 2014. (PDF)
- [27] V. Delecroix, T. Hejda, W. Steiner. Balancedness of Arnoux-Rauzy and Brun words. 9th International Conference WORDS, Turku (FI), 2013. (PDF)
- [28] T. Hejda. Lazy representations, subsitutions and tilings assosiated with complex Pisot numbers. SubTile, Luminy (FR), 2013. (PDF)
- [29] T. Hejda Z. Masáková, E. Pelantová. On the negative base greedy and lazy representations. Journées Montoises d’Informatique Théorique, Louvain-la-Neuve (BE), 2012. (PDF)
- [30] T. Hejda. Moebius numeration systems with discrete groups. Master’s thesis defense, Prague (CZ), 2012. (PDF)
- [31] T. Hejda. Gaps in Ito-Sadahiro transformation (and more). Combinatorics on words summer school, Svatý Ján pod Skalou (CZ), 2012. (PDF)
- [32] T. Hejda, Z. Masáková, E. Pelantová. Greedy and lazy representations of numbers in the negative golden ratio base. Algebraic and combinatorial structures seminar, Prague (CZ), 2011. (PDF)
- [33] T. Hejda, Z. Masáková, E. Pelantová. Greedy and lazy representations of numbers in the negative golden ratio base. First Russian-Finnish Symposium on Discrete Mathematics, Sankt-Peterburg (RU), 2011. (PDF)
- [34] T. Hejda. The golden ratio and signal quantization. Combinatorics on words summer school, Fryšava (CZ), 2011. (PDF)
- [35] T. Hejda. On one cruel diophantic equation in Moebius number systems. Algebraic and combinatorial structures seminar, Prague (CZ), 2011. (PDF)
- [36] T. Hejda. Moebius number systems with discrete groups. Analytic and algebraic methods in physics, Prague (CZ), 2011. (PDF)
- [37] T. Hejda. Morphisms preserving the set of words coding three interval exchange. Journées Montoises d’Informatique Théorique, Amiens (FR), 2010. (PDF)
- [38] T. Hejda. Morphisms preserving the set of words coding three interval exchange. Research target defense, Prague (CZ), 2010. (PDF)
- [39] T. Hejda. Arithmetic complexity of Sturmian words. Combinatorics on words summer school, Hojsova Stráž (CZ), 2010. (PDF)
- [40] T. Hejda. Amicable morfismy na sturmovských slovech. Bachelor’s project defense, Prague (CZ), 2010. (in Czech). (PDF)
- [41] T. Hejda. Counting amicable Sturmian morphisms. Combinatorics on words summer school, Děčín (CZ), 2009. (PDF)